What you post on Facebook or elsewhere can come back to bite you. Not just in the face palm I cant believe I posted that type but the How did that guy find
out where I live or my phone number or where and when I can be attacked, or kidnapped, or worse? (Now, I really don’t want the people I am looking for to take this advice, it makes my work easier when they do these things.)
Do you have a classic valuable car you posted a picture of with the license plate number showing?
Did you post a picture of the front of your house with the address numbers showing?
When you go eat do you click the cute little thing that checks you in to that place?
Does your profile show what city and state you are from?
Do you post about where you work? Even just the company name? Do you post pictures with a company vehicle in the background or with you wearing a company shirt, jacket or uniform?
While you are on vacation do you post pictures of the great place you and your family are staying?
That is more than enough info for a thief or worse to target you and your stuff.
With the license plate number in most states the owners name and address, the vin number, maybe the color, engine size, even some options are out there.
With the house number and the city you can Google and find all the complete addresses with that number in that city (there are surprisingly few in many cases) and then go to Google street view or Zillow and match the pictures of your house to those on the web. They will know your complete address, perhaps even pictures of the inside of the house.
Oh and look you are on vacation in Cancun posting pictures of you para sailing today and youre going snorkeling tomorrow (guess your home is probably empty today and tomorrow)
. Or every Thursday you go out to eat at Goodtime Charlies with all your buds.
You work at Gooddeal mortgage loans well there is only one of those near your home, a quick call to them during the day can verify you are there even if the receptionist says Oh Im sorry but employees cant take private calls, I know you are probably there and can probably guess what time to wait outside to catch you leaving work.
So just from what many people post on Social media someone with bad intentions can find you, rob your home, steal your car, kidnap you or your family members, stalk you, harass you, target you in many ways. All because you do what so many others do every day.
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